Our Minister
I’m delighted to be serving as the minister of UUFS.
I’m a native of Statesboro; born here in 1950. I’ve lived here my entire life with the exception of brief periods of time away for educational purposes. I was raised by hard working middle class folks and spent a great deal of time at First Baptist Church in my youth. Actually I remained in that church for much of my adult life as well, closeting my heretical beliefs! Life circumstances made it easier for me to leave in my late 40’s and I became a Unitarian Universalist. I have been in love with this faith tradition and the people within it since that time. I retired from Georgia Southern University as Professor and Department Chair Emerita (Dept. of Curriculum, Foundations, and Research) in 2005 and completed my seminary training the following year. (I began Meadville Lombard in 2001.) I was called to serve here in 2006, and I’m currently serving half-time.
I share my life with my husband Dr. Greg Brock, my son, two grandsons, two great grandchildren, my mom and one fine dog.
In addition to serving UUFS half time, I serve the UU congregation in Brunswick half time as well and live in both places. One of my favorite activities is enjoying nature in both Bulloch and Glynn counties.
I’m available for pastoral care in person (when I’m in town) or virtually via phone, email, or even Zoom (when I’m out of town). My contact information is below and I look forward to hearing from you.
Email: revjanepage@gmail.com
Cell: 912.682.3566

Rev. Dr. Jane Altman Page