Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m.
6762 Cypress Lake Road - Statesboro, Georgia
Living Our Principles
We Offer Hybrid Services
In-person OR via Facebook Live
If you prefer to attend online, the service will be offered at:
We hope that you will join us!
September 1
"This Little Light of Mine"
Clint Tawes
As Unitarian Universalists, our faith is one of deeds, not creeds. In this sermon, we will reflect on how Unitarian Universalists share our values not by proselytizing, but by embodying them in our daily lives. We’ll consider what it means to let our light shine, offering our truth to the world without imposing it on others.
September 8
"Growing Our Self-Compassion"
Beth Butterfield
In this service, we will connect with an experience of our authentic centered self, and from this place, we will explore radical self-acceptance. "I love and accept myself, radically, profoundly, completely, exactly as I am. All of my parts are welcome. All of my parts are loved."
September 15
"Sacred Activism: Finding Courage to Move through Despair to Empowerment"
Beth Remmes
Beth is the Coastal Representative of Georgia Interfaith Power and Light. Based on Joanna Macy's The Work that Reconnects, we will explore how to meet our current challenges with an open and resilient heart and how to be in service to the web of life.
September 22
"Money Makes the World Go Around"
Randy Blasch
Once again it is time for our stewardship kick off. Is it about the community and people, or is it just really all about the money?
September 29
"Wisdom Teachers and Interdependence: Rachel Carson and Greta Thunberg"
UUCG member Carolyn Wallace
Carolyn will share the unique contributions of these two women to our understandings of ecology, environmental health, and the dire consequences of human actions on the earth. Vignettes of their lives and work will be shared, along with some inspiration for contributing to the cause.
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